ATOL Booking Conditions
When you make a booking with us, you enter into a contract with Vision Cruise (registered office: Cavendish House, Brighton Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 5NG), ATOL number 9640. These booking conditions form the basis of your contract with us.
- Making Your Booking and Your Contract
- a) When you have chosen your holiday, you must complete our booking form. If you make a booking more than fifteen weeks before departure, you must
- a) If you make a booking more than fifteen weeks before departure, you must pay a deposit (the amount of which will be specified at the time of booking) per person. The full balance will be required at least fifteen weeks before departure, the date maybe earlier, but this will be notified on your confirmation/invoice. If you book within fifteen weeks of departure, the full balance is due immediately. At the time of booking you must take out holiday insurance arranging a policy either via our website link or arranging yourself providing comparable or greater cover if required under all sections.
- b) If you fail to make any payments when due, we have the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you at any time up to the date of departure and to levy the cancellation charges of up to 100% of the total holiday cost. No reminders will be sent. On receipt of deposits/balance of your holiday, we will issue our confirmation/final invoice which will be sent either directly to you or via If we need to make a request for extra/alternative space, an administration fee per booking/per request may be charged. If you make a late booking and we need to Express post your documentation to ensure receipt, there may be an additional fee per booking.
- c) Upon receipt of your booking form and deposit/balance we will issue a confirmation and send this to. A binding contract is made as soon as we dispatch a confirmation to you The Booking Conditions, prices and general information set out in this publication regarding the holiday cannot be varied unless we agree in writing to do so. Please check your confirmation together with all tickets and other documentation carefully as soon as you receive them and contact us, if you think any details are incorrect. We regret we cannot accept any responsibility if you fail to notify us of any problems straight away. Your contract with us is governed by English law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
- pay a deposit (the amount of which will be specified at the time of booking) per person. The full balance will be required at least fifteen weeks before departure, the date maybe earlier, but this will be notified on your confirmation/invoice. If you book within fifteen weeks of departure, the full balance is due immediately. At the time of booking you must take out holiday insurance arranging a policy either via our website link or arranging yourself providing comparable or greater cover if required under all sections.
- b) If you fail to make any payments when due, we have the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you at any time up to the date of departure and to levy the cancellation charges of up to 100% of the total holiday cost. No reminders will be sent. All monies paid to the agent will be forwarded to us, Vision Cruise. On receipt of deposits/balance of your holiday, we will issue our confirmation/final invoice which will be sent either directly to you or via the agent. If it is sent to the Agent we will request the Agent to forward the confirmation/final invoice to you within 7 days and will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Agent complies with this request. If we need to make a request for extra/alternative space, an administration fee per booking/per request may be charged. If you make a late booking and we need to Express post your documentation to ensure receipt, there may be an additional fee per booking.
- c) Upon receipt of your booking form and deposit/balance we will issue a confirmation and send this to you directly or via the Agent. A binding contract is made as soon as we dispatch a confirmation to you or the Agent. If it is sent to the Agent we will request the Agent to forward the confirmation/final invoice to you within 7 days and we will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Agent complies with this request. The Booking Conditions, prices and general information set out in this publication regarding the holiday cannot be varied unless we agree in writing to do so. Please check your confirmation together with all tickets and other documentation carefully as soon as you receive them and contact the Agent or ourselves direct if you think any details are incorrect. We regret we cannot accept any responsibility if you fail to notify us of any problems straight away. Your contract with us is governed by English law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
- d) All monies paid by clients direct to an agency is at all times held on behalf of Vision Cruise until the transference of such monies to Vision Cruise.
- Passports, Visas and Health Requirements
You must ensure that you comply with all passport, visa and health requirements. Normally your passport has to have 6 months validity on your return date. Visa and passport requirements for all destinations can be checked via our Travel Essentials page on our website,
- The Price of Your Holiday
The price of your holiday is based on known costs as at the date of Confirmation Invoice and Exchange Rates as per those issued by Barclays Bank plc on this day. The price of your holiday is subject to surcharges in the event of increases in transportation costs i.e. fuel, scheduled air fares and any other airline surcharges which are part of the contract between the airline (and their agents) and the tour operator/organiser or dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports, or adverse Exchange Rate variations. Even in this case we will absorb an amount equivalent to 2% of the holiday price excluding insurance premiums and any amendment charges. Only amounts in excess of this 2% will be surcharged together with an amount to cover agent’s commission. If this means paying more than 10% on the holiday price, you will be entitled to cancel your holiday with a full refund of all monies paid except for any premium paid to us for holiday insurance and amendment charges. Should you decide to cancel because of this, you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days of the issue date printed on the invoice. Providing payment has been made by the due date at the latest, we will not however impose any surcharges after payment in full has been received.
- Changes or Cancellation by YoIf you wish to make any changes to your booking after a contract has come into existence, we will endeavour to assist if we can. For changes requested more than fifteen weeks before departure, an administration fee per person may be payable if we can make the change. For changes requested less than fifteen weeks before departure, the cancellation charges set out below will be payable unless otherwise specified. We will treat the changed arrangements as a new booking. Most flight tickets cannot be changed without payment of cancellation charges and/or the cost of a replacement ticket.
If you wish to cancel your holiday, the person who booked the holiday must notify us in writing. Cancellation
charges to compensate us for our estimated losses and expenses are calculated from the date we receive your written notification. These are set out below and are shown as a percentage of the total holiday cost excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges which are non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
Period Before Departure Cancellation Charge
110 days or more Deposit only
109 – 43 days 60% of holiday cost
42 – 29 days 75% of holiday cost
28 – 22 days 90% of holiday cost
Within 21 days 100% of holiday cost
Departure date & No Show 100% of holiday cost
If some but not all party members cancel, additional charges may be payable by the remaining members e.g. under-occupancy charges. The above cancellation charges apply unless otherwise specified at the time of booking.
- Changes by Us
- We hope and expect to provide all services (including the intended operator of the aircraft, aircraft type and airport destination) as confirmed to you at the time of booking. However, these arrangements are often planned many months prior to departure and changes may occasionally be necessary due to reasons outside of our direct control. Unfortunately, we must reserve the right to make changes to holidays and brochure details both before and after your booking is confirmed. Changes are treated either as ‘minor’ or ‘significant’.
- a) A significant change is: (i) a pre-departure change of your UK check-in airport (except between Heathrow and Gatwick), (ii) change of your destination region, (iii) change of your accommodation to that of a lower category or (iv) change of your time of departure or return by more than 12 hours.
- b) A minor change is any other change such as: (i) type of aircraft, (ii) aircraft operator or (iii) change in accommodation to an equivalent or higher local classification etc. For example, we will not inform you of minor schedule changes if the times change by less than 30 minutes. We have the right to make minor changes at any time and we will endeavour to inform you of these changes, but we are not obliged to do so before departure or to pay you any compensation nor do you have a right to cancel without penalty.
If we have to make a significant change, we will advise you or the agent as soon as possible and offer you the choice of: (i) accepting the changed arrangements; or (ii) purchasing another holiday from us (with you paying the difference if it is more expensive if requested or receiving a refund if it is cheaper); or (iii) cancelling your holiday and receiving a full refund of all payments made to us.
In addition, we will pay you compensation as set out in the table below, except where we have to cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control (such as those mentioned in Clause 7), the consequences of which could not have been avoided even with all due care. Please note, you must let us know within 10 days which alternative you would like to accept.
Compensation per person for the period before scheduled departure within which a significant change is notified to you or your agent:
57 days or more NIL
56 – 43 days £15
42 – 29 days £20
28 – 15 days £25
14 – 8 days £30
7 – 0 days £35
N.B. Our liability in all cases is limited to the compensation set out above. We regret we cannot be responsible for any costs or expenses you incur as a result.
- Cancellation by Us
We must reserve the right to cancel a holiday. If we have to cancel for some reason other than failure to pay on your part we will offer you the choice of purchasing another holiday from us (with you paying any difference if it is more expensive and if requested, or receiving a refund if it is cheaper) or receiving a full refund of all monies paid to us. In addition we will pay you compensation as set out in the compensation table under Clause 5, except where the cancellation is made as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control (such as those mentioned in Clause 7), the consequences of which could not have been avoided even with all due care. All holidays operate subject to a minimum number of bookings. We will not however cancel for lack of numbers less than eight weeks before departure. Very rarely, we may be forced to curtail your holiday after departure where a ‘force majeure’ situation (such as those described in Clause 7) arises. In this situation we regret that we cannot make any refunds, pay any compensation or be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by you as a result.
- Force Majeure
We regret that we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by reasons or circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’. Circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’ include any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid such as, for example, war or threat of war, civil strife, natural or nuclear disaster, industrial dispute, epidemics and health risks, terrorist activity, technical problems to transport, adverse weather conditions, airport closures, fire and all similar events.
- Dealing with Complaints
Most problems can be sorted out straight away if we know about them. If you have a complaint you must advise our representative straight away. You must also inform the relevant supplier immediately (e.g. hotel). If there is no representative and the problem is a serious one which cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, you must contact our local agent, if we have one, and if we do not have a local agent, you must contact us direct using the emergency contact telephone numbers enclosed with your travel documents., you must write within 28 days of your return from holiday to: the or in writing to Passenger Relations Manager, Vision Cruise Cavendish House, Brighton Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 5NG, quoting your booking reference number. We will then investigate your complaint. We regret we cannot accept any liability in relation to any complaint or problem if you fail to notify us strictly in accordance with this paragraph.
- Our Responsibility for Your Holiday
- i) We accept responsibility if the holiday arrangements we agree to provide are not supplied as described, or to a reasonable standard (except where Clause 7 applies). We further accept responsibility for the acts and omissions of our employees, agents, suppliers and sub-contractors (providing they were at the time performing duties authorised by us) except where death or personal injury results (see (ii) below). The maximum amount of compensation we will consider paying under this paragraph is limited to a refund of the cost of your holiday, a refund of any directly attributable expenses and a daily sum of £50.00 per person. The maximum applies where everything has gone wrong and you have obtained no enjoyment from your holiday whatsoever. In any other situation, we will pay you a proportion of the maximum at our discretion, taking into account all relevant circumstances.
- ii) We will also accept responsibility should you suffer death or personal injury as a result of any failure to properly perform any part of our contract with you by any of our employees, agents, suppliers or sub-contractors (providing they were at the time performing duties authorised by us) except where the cause was due to fault on your part or on the part of a third party not connected with the provision of your holiday arrangements and which was unforeseeable or unavoidable, or an event which either ourselves or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not have foreseen or avoided, even with all due care.
iii) For all claims, our liabilities in respect of air, sea, road and rail carriers and providers of accommodation are limited as if we were carriers or providers of accommodation within the relevant International Conventions. Further, it is a condition of our acceptance of liability that you notify us of any claim in accordance with Clause 8. In addition, if any payment is made, you must assign to ourselves or our insurers any rights that you may have to pursue any third party and must also cooperate with ourselves and our insurers.
- Behaviour
If, in the opinion of ourselves, any airline pilot, accommodation manager or other person in authority, you are behaving in such a way as to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others or damage to property, your holiday arrangements may be terminated by either ourselves or the supplier concerned. In this situation, we will have no liability to you and will not be responsible for making any refunds, paying any compensation or meeting any costs or expenses incurred as a result. Further, you must meet any expenses we incur as a result of your behaviour.
- Suppliers Conditions
Most of our suppliers have Conditions of Contract which affect the provision of your holiday. These Conditions may limit or exclude the suppliers liability to you, often in accordance with International Convention. Copies of these conditions are available from us on request.