0800 655 6601

Terms & Conditions

When you make a booking with us via our website or via our call centre, you enter into a contract the Cruise Line or Tour Operator of your choice with Vision Cruise acting as agents on their behalf. Terms and Conditions of the Tour operator or Cruise Line vary from company to company, and will be sent to you along with your confirmation invoice. If you wish to review these prior to booking, please contact us, at the address below, and we will send a copy to you. When you book through this website or via our call centre, it is deemed that you agree to the operators terms and conditions.

When you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong.

We, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where neither we nor the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may provide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable).

If we, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL certificate, are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme.

Registered office:
Cavendish House Enterprises Limited
Cavendish House
Brighton Road
L22 5NG

ATOL number 9640
ABTA number 23229

When you book a Vision Cruise, Vision Choice or Vision Plus package holiday covered under our ATOL 9640, the following Terms and Conditions apply:

  1. Making Your Booking and Your Contract
    a) Bookings can be made in person at our offices (address above), by telephone 0800 655 6601 or via our website (www.visioncruise.co.uk), availability on all departures can be checked via the methods above.  No charges are applicable to any bookings paid via Debit Card, credit card or cheque. If you make a booking more than sixteen weeks before departure, you can either pay a deposit (the amount of which will be specified at the time of booking) per person or the full balance of the cruise holiday. The full balance will be required at least sixteen weeks before departure. If you book within sixteen weeks of departure, the full balance is due immediately. Please ensure that at the time of booking you take out adequate insurance cover.  A booking fee for any Vision Choice or Vision Value will be charged at the time of booking of £20 per person, and is non refundable
  2. b) If you fail to make any payments when due, we have the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you at any time up to the date of departure and to levy the cancellation charges of up to 100% of the total holiday cost. No reminders will be sent. All monies paid to the agent will be forwarded to us, Vision Cruise. On receipt of deposits/balance of your holiday, we will issue our confirmation/final invoice which will be sent either directly to you or via the agent. If it is sent to the Agent we will request the Agent to forward the confirmation/final invoice to you within 7 days and will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Agent complies with this request. If we need to make a request for extra/alternative space, an administration fee per booking/per request may be charged.
  3. c) Upon receipt of your deposit/balance we will issue a confirmation and send this to you directly or via the Agent. A binding contract is made as soon as we or the agent receive payment. If it is sent to the Agent we will request the Agent to forward the confirmation/final invoice to you within 7 days and we will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Agent complies with this request. Please check your confirmation together with all tickets and other documentation carefully as soon as you receive them and contact the Agent or ourselves direct if you think any details are incorrect. We regret we cannot accept any responsibility if you fail to notify us of any problems straight away. Your contract with us is governed by English law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
  4. d) All monies paid by clients direct to an agency is at all times held on behalf of Vision Cruise until the transference of such monies to Vision Cruise.
  5. e) Late payments – if these are permitted then we will charge £10 for each late payment

2. Passports, Visas and Health Requirements
You must ensure that you have all the necessary passport, visa and any other documentation are in place before you commence your holiday. Please note that Vision Cruise are unable to arrange insurance, this will need to be done by yourself prior to departure.

3. The Price of Your Holiday
The price of your holiday is based on known costs as at the date of Confirmation Invoice and Exchange Rates. The price of your holiday is subject to surcharges in the event of increases in transportation costs i.e. fuel, scheduled air fares and any other airline surcharges which are part of the contract between the airline (and their agents) and the tour operator/organiser. We will absorb and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges. You will be charged for the amount over and above that. If this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 8% of the price of your travel arrangements, you will have the option of accepting a change to another holiday if we are able to offer one (if this is of equivalent quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges. Should you decide to cancel for this reason, you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days from the issue date printed on your final invoice. Should the price of your holiday go down due to the changes mentioned above, you have the right to a price reduction corresponding to any decrease in costs that occurs before the . However, please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place. All prices shown are correct at the time of issue, prices can often vary and change depending on departures – please call us for more information.

4. Changes or Cancellation by You

If you wish to make any changes to your booking after a contract has come into existence, we will endeavour to assist if we can. For changes requested more than fifteen weeks before departure, an administration fee per person is payable if we can make the change, of £25 per person, For Vision Packages (A cruise with extra elements) cancelled by you, there will be a charge of £125 per person applicable, to cover any additional costs. For changes requested less than sixteen weeks before departure, the cancellation charges set out below will be payable unless otherwise specified. We will treat the changed arrangements as a new booking. If the Cruise Line change any part of the itinerary or cancel the cruise, and you then choose not to accept the changes offered, and cancel, this would also incur administration charges up to £125 per person.

Cancellation charges to compensate us for our estimated losses and expenses are calculated from the date we receive your written notification. Cancellation charges vary depending on the operator. If some but not all party members cancel, additional charges may be payable by the remaining members e.g. under-occupancy charges. The above cancellation charges apply unless otherwise specified at the time of booking. Vision Cruise also charge a Cancellation service fee of £25 per person, on top of any charges made by the principal.

5. Changes by Us
We hope and expect to provide all services (including the intended operator of the aircraft, aircraft type and airport destination) as confirmed to you at the time of booking. However, these arrangements are often planned many months prior to departure and changes may occasionally be necessary due to reasons outside of our direct control. Unfortunately, we must reserve the right to make changes to holidays and brochure details both before and after your booking is confirmed. Changes are treated either as ‘minor’ or ‘significant’.

a) A significant change is: (i) a pre-departure change of your UK check-in airport (except between Heathrow and Gatwick), (ii) change of your destination region, (iii) change of your accommodation to that of a lower category or (iv) change of your time of departure or return by more than 12 hours.

b) A minor change is any other change such as: (i) type of aircraft, (ii) aircraft operator or (iii) change in accommodation to an equivalent or higher local classification etc. For example, we will not inform you of minor schedule changes if the times change by less than 30 minutes. We have the right to make minor changes at any time and we will endeavour to inform you of these changes, but we are not obliged to do so before departure or to pay you any compensation nor do you have a right to cancel without penalty.

If we have to make a significant change, we will advise you or the agent as soon as possible and offer you the choice of: (i) accepting the changed arrangements; or (ii) purchasing another holiday from us (with you paying the difference if it is more expensive if requested or receiving a refund if it is cheaper); or (iii) cancelling your holiday and receiving a full refund of all payments made to us.

In addition, we will pay you compensation, except where we have to cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control (such as those mentioned in Clause 7), the consequences of which could not have been avoided even with all due care. Please note, you must let us know within 10 days which alternative you would like to accept. Compensation per person for the period before scheduled departure within which a significant change is notified to you or your agent.

6. Cancellation by Us
We must reserve the right to cancel a holiday. If we have to cancel for some reason other than failure to pay on your part we will offer you the choice of purchasing another holiday from us (with you paying any difference if it is more expensive and if requested, or receiving a refund if it is cheaper) or receiving a full refund of all monies paid to us. In addition we will pay you compensation, except where the cancellation is made as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even with all due care. All holidays operate subject to a minimum number of bookings. We will not however cancel for lack of numbers less than eight weeks before departure. Very rarely, we may be forced to curtail your holiday after departure where a force majeure’ situation (such as those described in Clause 7) arises. In this situation we regret that we cannot make any refunds, pay any compensation or be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by you as a result.

7. Force Majeure
We regret that we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by reasons or circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’. Circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’ include any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid such as, for example, war or threat of war, civil strife, natural or nuclear disaster, industrial dispute, epidemics and health risks, terrorist activity, technical problems to transport, adverse weather conditions, airport closures, fire and all similar events.

8. Dealing with Complaints
Most problems can be sorted out straight away if we know about them. If you have a complaint you must advise our representative straight away. You must also inform the relevant supplier immediately (e.g. hotel). If there is no representative and the problem is a serious one which cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, you must contact our local agent, and if we do not have a local agent, you must contact us directly. If possible, you should obtain a Holiday Report Form from our representative which should be completed and returned to him/her. If you wish to follow up your complaint, you must write within 28 days of your return from holiday to: the Passenger Relations Manager, Vision Cruise (registered office: Cavendish House, Brighton Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 5NG, quoting your booking reference number. We will then investigate your complaint. We regret we cannot accept any liability in relation to any complaint or problem if you fail to notify us strictly in accordance with this paragraph.

9. Our Responsibility for Your Holiday
i) We accept responsibility if the holiday arrangements we agree to provide are not supplied as described, or to a reasonable standard (except where Clause 7 applies). We further accept responsibility for the acts and omissions of our employees, agents, suppliers and sub-contractors (providing they were at the time performing duties authorised by us) except where death or personal injury results (see (ii) below). The maximum amount of compensation we will consider paying under this paragraph is limited to a refund of the cost of your holiday, a refund of any directly attributable expenses and a daily sum of £50.00 per person. The maximum applies where everything has gone wrong and you have obtained no enjoyment from your holiday whatsoever.

For all claims, our liabilities in respect of air, sea, road and rail carriers and providers of accommodation are limited as if we were carriers or providers of accommodation within the relevant International Conventions. Further, it is a condition of our acceptance of liability that you notify us of any claim in accordance with Clause 8. In addition, if any payment is made, you must assign to ourselves or our insurers any rights that you may have to pursue any third party and must also cooperate with ourselves and our insurers.

10. Behaviour
If, in the opinion of ourselves, any airline pilot, accommodation manager or other person in authority, you are behaving in such a way as to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others or damage to property, your holiday arrangements may be terminated by either ourselves or the supplier concerned. In this situation, we will have no liability to you and will not be responsible for making any refunds, paying any compensation or meeting any costs or expenses incurred as a result. Further, you must meet any expenses we incur as a result of your behaviour.

11. Data Protection
In order to confirm your booking, it is necessary for us to take certain information from you, including your name, address, date of birth, other personal details and financial details. With the exception of your name and any medical/dietary requirements, all information given to us will be kept confidential and not passed on to any third party. At the time of booking, you will be asked if we may use your details to contact you with future offers. You are under no obligation to accept our invitation. All offers are sent directly from Vision Cruise or our partner companies.

12. Guests with Special Needs
Vision Cruise act as agents for transport and accommodation suppliers, who offer many differing services for people who may need special assistance or facilities. If you require any airport or airline assistance (e.g. due to disability), or special facilities on board a cruise (such as guaranteed ground floor rooms etc) please call our administration department on 0800 655 6601 BEFORE you book, to ensure the airline and accommodation provider have suitable arrangements for you. Certain airlines have restrictions on the number of disabled passengers they carry per flight, for health and safety reasons, and if you do not inform us before booking, and consequently your booking has to be cancelled, Vision Cruise can not be held responsible for any financial loss.

13. Suppliers Conditions
Most of our suppliers have Conditions of Contract which affect the provision of your holiday. These Conditions may limit or exclude the suppliers liability to you, often in accordance with International Convention. Copies of these conditions are available from us on request.

Vision Cruise
Cavendish House
Brighton Road
L22 5NG

14. Vision Choice will state exact inclusions with each individual quote

Some quotes may not include all Cruise, Hotel Stay, Flight, Transfer and Luggage. This will be stated on the quote what is included. We can always add these on if not included. Majority if our Cruise & Stay Holidays do include the above.

Cooling off Period

There isn’t a cooling off period, this is because the Distance Selling Regulations (DSR) don’t apply to travel and holiday bookings.

The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 apply to all package holidays booked, and the regulations define a ‘package’ as follows:

  1. The holiday must cover a period of at least 24 hours or involve overnight accommodation.
    2. The holiday must consist of a combination of at least two of the following components:
  • Transport (for example, flights, trains, coaches and ferries – free transfers from the airport to a hotel would not be included)
  • Accommodation (this should be significant – it would include a berth on a cruise ship but not on a cross-channel ferry)
  • Other tourist services that form a significant proportion of the package (for example, car hire).

Please note prices on the search results page may very to prices on the cruise deal page. The prices on the search results page are from flat files and when you click through it calls the api. This applies to selected cruise lines.

Click Here for ATOL Booking Conditions

Website Terms & Conditions

Cruise line prices on the website are subject to change and availability. Some Cruise Line prices are not live and are not bookable. Prices are supplied from an external source and are updated on a regular basis. Please call our reservations team to get a live price quote. Cruise line offers are not applicable to Vision Choice or Vision Value packages.

Please note discount codes are not combinable.

Cunard Fare to have a choice of car parking, coach transfer or on-board spend is not applicable on sailings for 5 nights or less.

  1. Fred Olsen – FREE Chauffeur Service to the Port Liverpool 2025

Book any Fred Olsen Cruise from Liverpool for a minimum of 7 nights for 2025/2026 and receive free chauffeur service to the port, this is within a 30 mile radius and is from home to port only. If you want a return transfer then we can price for that. Not applicable with any other promotions or discounts.

Our fleet of executive vehicles is fully equipped to offer a comfortable experience, complete with bottled water and professional drivers in shirt and tie.

13. Cruise Show Event Vouchers

Up to £500 discount is valid for new bookings made between 25th January 2025 and 28th February 2025 and voucher must be presented at the time of booking. Discount vouchers will be given to all attendees at both cruise events. £500 voucher is not applicable for the double discount if used on the day of the events. Vouchers cannot be used as part or full deposit and has no monetary value, should any booking made be cancelled this will not be refunded. Only one voucher is applicable per booking and not applicable to Vision Packages



Reasons to Book with Vision Cruise

Family Run Business

Over 30 years of travel experience. Been there, seen that, sailed the world.

Book with confidence

Your money is safe with us, we’re ATOL & ABTA protected.


As a trusted company within the industry, we give the best and exclusive deals to our customers.


As a trusted company within the industry, your cruise adventure is a breeze when booked with us.

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